Monday, February 4, 2013

A new version of escape.....

For Christmas this year, Curt and I decided to not really get each other gifts, but to make an effort to streamline our eating well/ weight loss. So we joined the Wild River Fitness Center in town. We started our membership Jan 5thish, and have had fun attending together, apart, classes. I also am trying to eat better, less mountain dew, and lots more water~

But, last Monday, I awoke with a work injury and was unable to my neck to the right. Following a week of rest, meds, chiro and Physical therapy, I can now successfully turn my neck to the right (yipee!). So today, I decided its time to get back to the gym. As much as I wasn't looking forward to it, I actually was.

And I have learned that an empty gym is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. I walked, run, climbed, lifted, and stretched. And it was so amazing. It felt so good to be back. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed it, or missed it for that matter.

And the bonus................?

The shower at the end. ( TMI)
No 1 year old, and no 3 year old outside, or inside the shower. I can wash, shave my legs without discussing it with Red. And to a busy Mom, that is the icing on the cake.

I am not working out to lose weight, but to be healthier. I want be the example for my girls. If I expect them to not drink pop, I need to not drink pop too. They already eat more veggies and fruits daily then I do, but I need to improve that. I want to live to see their graduation, wedding, and babies be born. I HAVE to do this for them. And for me. I deserve this.

As I write this, I do hope that you my family and friends, can help remind me.

And if nothing else, remind me to go for the shower at the end. And the peace :)

PS: I have not been forgetting to post, I cannot find my way to post more pics yet.......... :(

PSS: House is progressing apparently. That is literally what I know, but good news none the less :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

House update

Well we haven't heard much of  anything on the house in a few months. What we have heard it's still in process many many times though. Got served with renters protection papers Friday, and notice today that a sheriffs sale is scheduled for Feb 19th ( UGH!) So what does that mean for us currently?

  • Our short sale is still in motion. Our offer, put in July, is the primary offer and been accepted by the seller. The hold up has been the bank, and the sellers bankruptcy filing. With the HUD papers served last week we are covered to stay here up until any action is taken as official "renters"

  • The law firm dealing with our short sale firmly believes the short sale will finish out in the next 7-10 days, with closing approx 20 days after that. Right about when the sheriffs sale is scheduled. Lovely huh? 

  • The sheriff sale should be postponed due to pending sale (US!) But more then likely it will appear in the news papers etc. Which is why I wanted to let you our family and friends know before you read it/hear about it!

  • We are still here, we are planning on staying here for a very long time! When we went into this contract for deed for this house, we never imagined this course in a million years. But it has happened, and so we must bravely push forward. We, Curt and I, with the help of our families are fully ready to purchase this house tomorrow if need be. 

  • We are still planning on having Zoey's birthday "Puppy party" Feb 17th at noon. Worse case scenario (insert deep breath here) We will get eviction notice for 30 days, and the party is scheduled for 41 days from today. So we will send out official invites once we hit the 30 day mark. 
So I do ask that if anyone is talking about seeing the sheriffs sale notice or anything pertaining to us, please direct them here, or set em straight! It isn't us that caused this foreclosure, but we are hoping to Best case scenario buy it here in the next 2 weeks, and be fully celebrating our new home purchase at Zo's bday party!!

We appreciate any thoughts/prayers in the coming weeks that this fully resolves. I cannot wait to be able to breath, not be so crabby, and get a good night sleep. This stress is KILLING me :)


Believe it or not, this is the house of my dreams. I cannot wait to start making it "ours"

Monday, December 31, 2012

What will 2013 bring?

2012 has been a great year for the Kulzer family.

We celebrated Zoey's 1st birthday, Reegan's 3rd birthday, a trip to Kentucky with a very large group of Kulzers/Meyers, Disney World in September, Curt and Brooke's 5th Wedding anniversary (14th year together) and a blessed Holiday season.

We know nothing more today on the house then we did in July when we placed the offer on the house, which if frustrating but weirdly ok. I am SO ready to be the official owners 511 Seminole Ave though~

We are hoping for a healthy and happy 2013. Influenza is epidemic right now, I am trying very hard not to bring it home to my babies. And Curt and I are praying that Kulzer #3 will grace us with her/his presence in 2013. Its up to God.

We are so blessed in all we have, and are loving every minute with our girls. Reegan will start preschool in the fall, which will be some fun Mommy/Zoey time. I think Zoey and I will be starting some classes together in 2013 as well, and both girls are starting swimming lessons again in Jan. And we are hoping to revisit WDW in Sept 2013 as well.

Have an amazing 2013 from the Kulzer brood! :)

Curt, Brooke, Reegan and Zoey Kulzer

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Reegan the wonderful~

if you read this blog, then you know me. And to know me is to know, that I am a know it all. I LOVE to know everything about everything and everyone. And Reegan, at times, is very much a mini-me. Many days I walk around saying " You are not the boss, I am," or " I am the mother, Reegan" Just as my mother once told me. And I LOVED to learn. In fact, that is how one becomes a know it all. One must So Reegan and I have embraced learning. I spend time with her weekly emphasizing the word, number, and subject of the week. We have been doing this for months. Some weeks are harder then others, but sometimes it is perfect. Like when we went to Duluth, and the letter was B for "bentleyville" and the subject just happened to be Winter.

Well, I had scheduled a break over Christmas week, so today I pulled out the learning info for the week. Letter "M" and number "10" And the subject for the week is New Years, or learning about years, and calenders for that matter.

Reegan and I sat at the kitchen table like we do, just the two of us, and trace the letters and numbers, and count, and match, and do alot of fun worksheets. She can write a mean 10 for being 3 years old. So we headed into her room to read our bed time story, and she wanted to show me something in one of her new tag reader books. ( For those who aren't familiar  a tag reader, is a pen that reads the book to her. You can touch any tag reader book word or pictures, and it will say the word, or song, etc) Her new tag reader book is a book preparing for Kindergarten. It reviews number, letters, skipping counting, science, etc. She has mastered this book already in the 6 days she has it. She know the doctor works at the hospital, and that fireman, etc. She was so proud. And We found all the M's and 10's we could find. She knew every page in this book, and words and subject way over her head.

I looked at her and smiled. I asked " How did you get so smart?" She smiled.

I asked, " Who do you think is smarter, me or daddy. " She answered " Me"

Yup, she is a Mini me alright. 

Happy 2013~

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Not forgotten

I had a few family members over Christmas ask me if I haven given up blogging, or forgotten about it. Heavens NO! I am having some technical difficulty with the blog site, uploading pics and such. Long story.

Christmas was amazing with a 3 year old and nearly 2 year old. However today, Zoey is sick. Threw up this am, and now just punk. Lots of cuddles and downtime, even though I have a house to put back together.

Reegan got a camera from Santa, and the pics are absolutely hilarious. I am hoping to share shortly.........

Merry Christmas, happy new year!

Kulzer family
Curt Brooke Reegan and Zoey

Sunday, November 18, 2012


This is a post in honor of Cam's upcoming 3rd birthday. He is such a sweet smart lil boy. I love him so much :)

Nov 25th 2009

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A day out with Tomfohrdes

Today is my Grandma's birthday, so we decided to take her out to lunch! We had a fabulous lunch at Norman Quacks, and got the pleasure of spending the afternoon with my Uncle Kevin!

Yup, we met Santa. Just a friendly visit, which was good as Zo was scared, but warmed up to him at the end. Will make our official visit in a few weeks go smoother :)

This is what I have been trying to record for months. She loves this song. Notice she is humming along, and her lil butt crack